
Mrs. Sumner

Lead Teacher,  Director, Kindergarten Teacher
April Sumner has spent decades teaching both children and adults.  She has lived in Australia, Haiti, and Italy.  Her heart overflows as she mothers souls toward loving God and enjoying Him, both in Who He Is and how He has made the world. She enjoys coffee and good books. Mrs. Sumner is a Certified Classical Christian Teacher.  She launched MCS in 2017 out of the faithful prayers and dedication of many in the Mineral community.

Ms. Vaughan

Latin, Institute for Excellence in Writing and Language Arts
Lalage Vaughan enjoys the opportunity to guide a new generation of God’s children to a life and education centered around Him. She has studied foreign languages, chorus and theater, and has a Liberal Arts background. She is active in the ministries of her church, including Vacation Bible School and choir. She is a mother of five, loves to read, and to spend time with family and friends. This is her fourth year teaching at MCS. 

Mrs. Loudin

Math Teacher for Saxon Math in 1st-6th Grades
Christa Loudin loves seeing how Classical Christian Education directs people towards wisdom, truth, goodness, and beauty. She especially sees those echoed in math. She enjoys cooking, reading, taking care of her goats, and raising her three children. Mrs. Loudin is the Math Department Head. Her love for math overflows as she makes math interesting and fun.  She teaches 2nd - 6th grade students through the use of Saxon Math curriculum. 

Mrs. Gibson

Administrative Assistant and 1st Grade Teacher
Natalie Gibson, serves in the school's office, helping with tuition, attendance, dress code, and parent communication.  Mrs. Gibson has one child in college and homeschools her other three.  She and her husband farm full-time.  Mrs. Gibson enjoys music, reading, and serving the Church and the community in many steadfast and creative ways.

Mrs. Brown

English andl Science Teacher
Vanessa Brown has homeschooled two older children and has two younger children enrolled in Mineral Christian School.  She has a Masters in Youth and Family Ministry. Mrs. Brown's family has a menagerie of pets including two pigs.
Mrs. Brown also leads the Upper Grammar School's Physical Education Program Coached by Volunteer, Mrs. Williams.

Mrs. de la Cruz

Grace de la Cruz found Mineral Christian School as she looked for an option for her own child.  She values the commitment to Christ and the pursuit of wisdom, worship, and wonder.  Mrs. de la Cruz, a native Virginian, has lived for over a decade in Mexico.  She has spent years teaching English and loves studying languages.  She enjoys classical literature (especially Augustine), and raising her three children.

Mrs. Baber

2nd Grade Teacher

Jennifer Baber, teaches 2nd grade in the morning and is with the older students during Science and PE in the afternoons.  She diligently prepares lessons using The Primary Arts of Language curriculum.  With her aid, 2nd grade begins their journey of memorizing Colossians.  She and her family love camping as well as anything to do with being outdoors.


Our school's fruitfulness is also due to the prayers, time, energy, and joy our volunteers bring... from our School Board lead by Mrs. Duren, to our faithful guest teachers, cleaners and greeters, and tutors, we are so grateful for the God-given gifts shared with us.

MCS  Board Members desire to aid in our school's health through our Strategic Plan (located on the right).

June Duren juned344@gmail.com

Diane Ragland dragland1950@icloud.com

Gayle Harper gayle.harper50@gmail.com

Lori Craig godschildlmc26@gmail.com

Phyllis Peters mohawk2811@yahoo.com

Susan Henshaw susanhenshaw@yahoo.com 

Chuck Meeks lcmeeksjr@gmail.com

Strategic Plan Overview 2021-2024